About Us

TLP is a collaborative research partnership between Spectra, Gendered Intelligence, LGBT Foundation and Mermaids, established in 2018, to produce participatory community-led research that can be used to improve services and policymaking for trans people and their families.

The new Trans Learning Partnership (TLP), led by Spectra, is currently in the development phase of a larger long-term programme. City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charitable funder, has provided funding for an initial 18-month period. The aim of this phase is to establish a data-sharing platform and identify key research priorities, for which further funding will be sought.

The TLP’s mission includes:

● Improving structural inclusion within our partner organisations

● Working with policymakers to improve wellbeing for trans communities

● Analysing data from our partner organisations to improve how they serve trans communities

● Developing research that’s directed by priorities from within trans communities

The Trans Learning Partnership (TLP) has robust governance structures that emphasise the importance of our work being led by trans communities. Our Steering Group meets quarterly and contains:

  • TLP Steering Group – made up of 4 organisational representatives of our partner agencies, 4 trans and/or non-binary community representatives affiliated to partner agencies, an academic partner from Goldsmiths, University of London and a reserved seat for trans and/or non-binary people of colour.  This group guides the workplans and delivery of the TLP.
  • TLP Advisory group
  • TLP TPOC advisory group made up of members with various non-white ethnicities.

The TLP also maintains an Advisory Group, comprised entirely of trans people, who meet to give feedback on research questions and agendas (which emerge from community consultation and focus groups), the design of specific research projects, and on an ad hoc basis to provide support to different areas of TLP work. A second Advisory Group comprised exclusively of trans people of colour meets to provide bespoke oversight and ensure our work is reflective of our communities.