Trans Learning Partnership

The Trans Learning Partnership (TLP) is a collaboration between Spectra, Gendered Intelligence, LGBT Foundation and Mermaids that focuses on collecting and improving data on trans experiences and applying this to improve services and policymaking for trans people and their families.


What We Do

The Trans Learning Partnership (TLP) has robust governance structures that emphasise the importance of our work being led by trans communities. Our Steering Group meets quarterly and contains:
  • Four representatives from our partner organisations (Spectra, LGBT Foundation, Gendered Intelligence, and Mermaids)
  • Five community representatives, ensuring a diversity of trans lived experience on the board, at least one of these is reserved for a trans person of colour
  • An academic partner representative, who assists with ethical reviews, research design, and publication strategy.

The TLP also maintains an Advisory Group, comprised entirely of trans people, who meet to give feedback on research questions and agendas (which emerge from community consultation and focus groups), the design of specific research projects, and on an ad hoc basis to provide support to different areas of TLP work. A second Advisory Group comprised exclusively of trans people of colour meets to provide bespoke oversight and ensure our work is reflective of our communities.

Our Ethos

The Trans Learning Partnership follows the philosophy of ‘nothing about us without us’ – all of the work done by the TLP emerges directly from community-driven priorities, and maintains accountability and transparency throughout.

Our research activity uses a methodology called ‘Community Participatory Action Research’ (CPAR). This approach rejects conducting studies of people, where sharp power dynamics between researchers and participants can emerge. Instead, communities are empowered to be involved at every stage. Research topics come from community consultation, questions and methods are reviewed and confirmed by trans community members. Further community members are invited to engage with training on how to do research safely and ethically (while being paid for their time), and are supported in conducting research and analysing the findings. Conclusions are consulted on prior to publication, participants are compensated and have full control over how their data is used. Finally, community members also help direct dissemination and publication strategies.

Our Current Projects

The Trans Learning Partnership is grateful for the support of its funders, who share its commitment to advancing the rights and well-being of the trans community. Their support enables the Trans Learning Partnership to continue its important work of promoting inclusive governance, research, and advocacy that benefits the trans community.


Want to get involved?

Participate in our research.


The Cornerstone Fund

The Cornerstone Fund is a funder collaboration currently involving City Bridge Trust, the GLA, the National Lottery Community Fund, Trust for London and the John Lyons Charity. This covers core structural and staffing costs for three years.

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Esmee Fairbairn text logo

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation funds ‘Levelling the Field: Centering Trans People of Colour in Community Led Service Provision and Policy, a three year project focusing on the structural inclusivity of the partnership and a continuous process of program enquiry through research.

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Trust for London

Trust for London fund a two year project ‘Stronger Voices’, which focuses on better understanding of trans experiences of housing, employment, and assets.

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